*NEW!* Automatic reordering for cans is now available!


Can Seamers

What color options are available for can seamers?

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How many cans per minute can I do?

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Why can’t I seam all can sizes with one machine?

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Why didn't my can seamer come with a manual?

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How do I change my tooling?

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How often should I recalibrate my can seamer?

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How often should I be doing what maintenance, since I'm too lazy to read the manual?

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Can I change my MK32 to an MK16 and vice-versa?

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Do you still carry MK service parts?

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How do I know if I have a Model 7 or Model 7+?

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How do I know which style adapter I need?

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When is your canning line going on sale?

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What is the warranty on new machines?

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What do I need to seam clear cans with my machine?

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Will your cans work with my seamer, even if it’s not an Oktober?

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What happened to 8oz cans?

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What is the difference between end types?

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Are your cans recyclable?

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What is the turn around time on labeled cans?

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Can I get a sample of my custom can label?

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How long will a canned beverage last on the shelf?

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What can I put in cans?

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Are the coffee cans lined for wet food?

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Do you sell pallets of cans?

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Do you offer discounts for large orders?

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Trouble Shooting

Why have my cans started leaking?

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Why are there aluminum shavings on can after seaming?

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Why is the seam now really sharp?

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Why did my Model 7 handle break?

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How do I get the rest of the handle threads out of the roller assembly?

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Why do base adjusters bend/break on MKs?

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How do I remove the roller wheel?

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How do I get my roller unstuck/unseized?

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Why does my non-carbonated can feel squishy?

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Why haven't I gotten a call back yet?

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Why does the guy who answers the phone sound so handsome?

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Orders & Returns

Can you ship outside the United States?

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What's the best way to order?

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Will you send me can samples?

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Do you accept ACH payments?

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How do you ship orders?

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Can I change the shipping address on my order?

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Why does it say "shipping not available" to my state?

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Why does my tracking number say invalid even though it's existed for 3 whole seconds?

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Why is shipping cans so expensive?

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Why did I only receive part of my order?

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What should I do if my shipment is damaged?

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Why can't I return cans?

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How do I initiate a return?

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When will I get my refund?

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Trade Up Program

How does the trade up program work?

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Which machines are accepted for trade up credit?

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When will I get my trade up credit?

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Can I purchase a refurbished can seamer?

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Can I get cash for my old can seamer instead?

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Will you sponsor my homebrew club event?

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You guys sound fun. Can I visit?

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